A Safe Option for a Lot of Fun
Feline lovers should always remember that it is not a good idea to leave a cat inside their tent when they are not around while camping. They will try to scratch, bite and claw their way out of the tent in order to get free, but this action will make them prone to predators, especially when their human companions are out of sight. Cat tents still prove to be much favored, especially in the way they let senior felines and indoor cats have fun outdoors. These are some of the advantages of cat tents . Best for Indoor Cats It is natural for every pet owner to worry if he is giving enough mental stimulation to his cat. These tents let their owners bring them outdoors without using a leash/harness. This is just as enjoyable as herding cats! Protect Invalid and Aging Cats When cats are recovering from a surgery, they need to be protected from dogs and other animals that might be a threat in these sensible times. People can assemble a cat tent in their property to allow their elderly feli...